Sunday, June 9, 2013

Prayers Answered - Reflection on LUke 7:11-17

This story from the Gospel of Luke is one of the most moving.   Jesus just happens to see a funeral procession of the only son of a widowed mother.  His heart is moved, perhaps by a thought of His own mother and what she would soon have to face.  Completely without being asked He restores the boy to the mother.  

When tragedy strikes we ask about God's presence in our lives.  When we urgently pray about a need or desire we almost get into "vending machine mode" meaning that we have done our part, inserted our dollar, and now, where are the chips or the drink.   When there is not immediate and tangible response to our request we get discouraged and wonder about the power of prayer.   I wonder sometimes how God, who wants to be our friend, feels when we only come in need and clamor for help.

We will not know in this life how many times the compassionate heart of God sent his grace and worked miracles unasked, to keep us safe, to give us joy, to help us in our work.   If Jesus reached out to a poor widow, He must also have been reaching out to me all during my life, loving and caring for me.  I remember the wonderful surprise experiences, the good friends, the sunshine and flowers the lovely ancient forest... the safety in hundreds of close encounters... His hand was there, loving, protecting, giving joy.  I must remember to say thank you as I am sure the tearful widow did with such emotion.