Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Reflections on Luke 17:5 - 10
The disciples ask the Lord to increase their faith. That is a good thing, isn't it? That is a prayer that we ourselves might have made several times over a life time. Why does there seem to be an implied criticism in Jesus' reply? I think He was responding to the why they wanted more faith. Did they want to become miracle workers famous throughout the land? Did they want to feel better in moments of stress or fear? Was their idea of faith as a remedy for life's hardships or a tool to increase one's status? Jesus seems to be saying that faith is not a quantity ... the more the more powerful. Faith the size of a mustard seed will already do the impossible. But faith is the gift of the Holy Spirit and it is given for the Kingdom, for the salvation of the receiver and the fruitfulness of his witness. Faith that is self-serving is not from God and it is a false faith. Faith increases according to our love of God and neighbor. It is the reward for self-emptying, for caring, forgiveness, compassion, goodness and brings peace and joy. We perhaps do not need more faith but a genuine faith rooted in the love of God. It requires study, getting to know God through reading daily from Sacred Scripture and sound spiritual books. Second it requires reflection, prayer howeverlong or short, but a contact with God, and then third, it requires action-- some loving service according to our state in life. These can all be "the size of mustard seeds" but they must be regular and consistant... and faith the gift of God will grow in our hearts opening a vision of an every larger and more beautiful horizon.