Sunday, July 21, 2013

Reflections on Luke 10:38-42

There are many homilies on the story of Martha and Mary that define them as the worker and the pray-er.   That is an oversimplification.  In the episode recounted today in Bethany it is Martha preparing the meal and Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus.  I imagine that it is Mary who first heard Jesus somewhere in a crowd, telling her brother, Lazarus and sister, Martha about him.   It is Martha who invites him on this occasion.  Martha knows how to feed a guest and make him or her feel at home, but if we read the Gospel of John, Chapter 11 we see that she is also quite a theologian, echoing very closely the words of Peter on the plane of Ceasaria-Philipi.  

Another aspect of the story of the sisters of Bethany should encourage the many lay people who yearn to grow closer to Christ, but feel their daily duties prevent this and that they must leave holiness to those with a religious vocation.   We need to show them that their mundane tasks, done in love for family or neighbor are holy and bringing them closer to God each day.   That they may be aware of this does not require a great deal of time.   A simple dedication of their work to Christ... a moment's thought and breath... is sufficient.  If they spend every day ten minutes reading Sacred Scripture... especially the New Testament....  they are learning the language of the God who is present there in the word, and will begin to hear his voice in their daily life.   How about keeping a small New Testament in the glove compartment...  ?   There is much time spent waiting in a car.   There are also excellent scriptures in mp3 format or on CDs which can be played while driving.   A good investment is in one of the small magazines that present a reflection on the readings of the day.   As a Saint said hundreds of years ago in response to the question, "How can I become a Saint?"  "Will it!"