Saturday, June 30, 2012

Franziska Notes July 2012

Trying to situate the special charism of Franziska Lechner in a time very different from hers is a feat that requires much thought and prayer. It seems from her writings that she was convinced that the Church and her congregation would only thrive under a Catholic civil authority. We live in a very different kind of world. We are struggling with the place of religious life and moral standards in a time of democracy and pluralism. One of her lessons to her sisters gives us a little light on how we should proceed. While they were sheltering country girls who had come to the cities to work in the houses of the wealthy she reminded the sisters how important it was to give these girls a firm human and spiritual foundation. A servant who was secure in her dignity as a child of God and living according to His will would have a vital influence in the household. The children who came daily into contact with her would be the rulers, the educators, the military leaders of their society. If they were grounded in the faith and love of God the country would be in good hands. She was in her time a subversive!

As our society more and more bans all mention of God and religious symbols from the public square, it is important that we light a flame of enthusiasm in our young people. Not only must they learn doctrine and moral principles, these must be modeled for them and accompanied by an exposure to all that is good, true and beautiful.. and fun. Art, science, music, sport, all kinds of good interests must be promoted so that they may see where their gifts lie and how these gifts rooted in their Christian heritage can be put at the service of their future world in a career they have chosen with God’s will in mind. This does not mean only schools and formal institutions… This can be done best by parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, etc. Let us be alert to bringing children to Jesus by “doing good, giving joy, making happy”…. and so leading many to heaven.