Thursday, May 3, 2012

Franziska Notes May 2012

On the last Sunday of this month we celebrate the very important feast of Pentecost. Mother Franziska was very conscious of the Holy Spirit. In the spirituality of her day she invoked Him before every serious decision and in times of confusion or fear. The Holy Spirit seems to have been short changed in later times. “That bird” often received students’ attention at exam time, but was then forgotten. Now there is a renewal as groups of people at prayer meetings trustingly ask for His gifts and power in their lives. The Holy Spirit is the God within us. We are not alone. For Mother Franziska the presence of God was the source of her joy and strength. Often during our day we can be conscious of God within us and take comfort and peace in the middle of hectic and noisy occupations. How the perspective of our problems and even disturbing world and national events changes when we remember that the Spirit who brooded over the chaotic waters of Genesis brought life and order and a lasting peace. A deep breath and prayer to God in our hearts can bring peace and perhaps even a step toward a solution into our daily problems.

We are baptized in the name of the Blessed Trinity and the three persons can become part of our developing spirituality. Little children, as did little “Fanny” can pray to the “Himmy Vater” (German dialect for Heavenly Father). As we learn of the life of Jesus we seem to address the Lord incarnate who allows for an image in pictures or our meditation. In the busy adult life our prayer turns easily to the Lord who was given to His disciples through the breath of the Risen Jesus. We are truly never alone. Our senses are reinforced through reading of Sacred Scripture and reception of Holy Communion but the Holy Spirit accompanies us to the parking lot of the church and beyond to His thirsty children whom we meet at every turn. Consciousness of the presence of the Holy Spirit can give us the peace and joy that the world can neither give nor take away.