Sister M. Christopher (Rose) Csorba, FDC St. Joseph Province
Born: August 9, 1923 Trenton, NJ
Entered: September 2, 1940 Arrochar, Staten Island, NY
Reception: August 28, 1942 Arrochar, Staten Island, NY
First Profession: August 28, 1944 Arrochar, Staten Island, NY Perpetual Profession: August 15, 1950 Arrochar, Staten Island, NY
Died: August 21, 2011 Eger Nursing Home, Staten Island, NY
I burst upon the scene for my earthly life on August 9, 1923. Born to Mary Stadler (1886-1944) and Joseph Csorba (1884-1976) in Trenton, NJ. I was the tenth of thirteen children, seven giris and six boys. I was baptized in St. Stephen's Church, receiving First Communion on April 12, 1931. Father Szabo was pastor. I was confirmed on April 22, 1936 by Bishop Moses E. Kiley.
I received my Elementary Education from the Daughters of Divine Charity at St. Stephen's School. My High School was at Junior High #4 and Trenton Central High. During Elementary School I learned to love the Daughters of Divine Charity, helping with Convent chores.
I was a typical naughty child participating in fun and games of children at that time. I was a member of the Guardian Angels and Sodality of Mary. I was a frequent Communicant in grade school. Walking to Trenton Central High I often made visits to the Blessed Sacrament at Immaculate Conception Church.
When faced with matriculation to College, I begged my parents to enter the Congregation of Daughters of Divine Charity. My mother with the generous aid of Sr. Genevieve lovingly prepared my dowry. I entered the Congregation on September 2, 1940. I was received on August 28, 1942. My first profession was on August 28, 1944. Final profession was August 15, 1950. My first assignment was sixth grade at Arrochar in 1943-44. Summer 1944 I was in the Novitiate. I taught fourth grade in 1944-45. In 1945-49 I taught grades six and seven in Arrochar. Summers I spent at Fordham University and St. Mary's in NY.
In 1949 I began teaching High School. Summer was probation time. From 19501960 I taught in High School and worked with boarders and spent summers studying at Fordham University and St. Mary's in NY. The summer of 1960 I spent in Old Bridge in CCD. In 1960-61 I taught grades seven and eight in Gary, Indiana. During the summer I was in Briarbank. 1960-61 saw me in South Bend, Indiana and summer in St. Mary's Residence in Detroit.
From 1962-1990 I was on the St. Joseph Hill Academy High School faculty and helping to conduct and moderate school activities such as Student Council, Swim Team, Basketball Team, Track, Math Team, Cheerleaders, evaluation of several High Schools for Middle States accreditation. I spent some summers using government sponsored National Scienc.e Foundation grants at Villanova University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Wyoming University and Yeshiva University. I also celebrated my Silver Jubilee in 1969 and toured Europe for several weeks as a gift of SJHA and a one-week cruise to Bermuda. Also with stipends from NSF I saw scenic and historical sites of the United States. One summer along with Sr. Albert in conjunction with interviewing Irish teachers for SJHA I was fortunate to visit Ireland for two weeks.
In 1990 I was appointed co-treasurer of St. Joseph Province with Sr. Albert. I retired in 1992 and spent a year in San Diego. In 1993-1999 I was assigned to Fontana, CA as a Eucharistic Minister to the sick, and two years as Superior in Fontana (1997-99). During this time I had angioplasty and colon cancer operation with a years chemotherapy at Lenox Hospital while residing in St. Mary's in NY. July 1999 saw me back at St. Joseph Hill Convent in Arrochar.
My acknowledgement of gratitude to my parents, brothers, and sisters, especially Lou, Pete, Vema and Elizabeth, Sisters Amabilis, Rita, Dolora, Jerome, Leonore, Albert, Charlotte, Mother ,Kostka and Mother Margaret, Marianne Bilyck, Kathleen Moore, Ginny Rober, Rita Boggs, Pat Karnatski, Marie Stewart, Virginia Stumer, Brother Gus, Father Henry, Sr. Bernadette Kenny, Dr. Collette Spacavieto, Dr. Chen, and Marian
Fitzsimmons. -
After my stay at Fontana, when the Convent closed in 1999, I was assigned to St.
Joseph Convent, Arrochar. Here I have spent time at rehab for poor walking procedure. Holy year, 2000, was a glorious, prayerful and grace-filled year. It is now July 2001 and I am at Carmel Richmond Nursing Home for therapy in my walk - discharged July 19, 2001.
When I shall depart this earthly life only God knows. Having kept myself for Jesus alone I run to meet my spouse. Forgiving and forgiven I look forward to join Mary, Joseph, all the saints and angels with my parents, relatives, friends and benefactor in glorifying and praising the Blessed Trinity for all eternity.
Amen. (signature on original)
Sr. M. Christopher Csorba, FDC
Feb. 11, 1903
With great affection we finish Sister Christopher’s story of her earthly pilgrimage. All over Staten Island and the United States, women are sharing “Sister Christopher stories”. She was a teacher that none of her students every forgot. Many are the girls who thought her discipline harsh who changed their minds as they realized in their higher studies of science and mathematics that the firm foundation they received from this gifted teacher helped them build with confidence and joy.
As her health deteriorated we had to assign her to Eger Health Care Center where she could receive health appropriate care. Almost to the end her wonderful mind and spirit was occupied with listening, viewing sports and other programs and in reading spiritual documents and books and writing with help to her many correspondents.
God love you, dear Sister Christopher. We will never forget you.
Born: August 9, 1923 Trenton, NJ
Entered: September 2, 1940 Arrochar, Staten Island, NY
Reception: August 28, 1942 Arrochar, Staten Island, NY
First Profession: August 28, 1944 Arrochar, Staten Island, NY Perpetual Profession: August 15, 1950 Arrochar, Staten Island, NY
Died: August 21, 2011 Eger Nursing Home, Staten Island, NY
I burst upon the scene for my earthly life on August 9, 1923. Born to Mary Stadler (1886-1944) and Joseph Csorba (1884-1976) in Trenton, NJ. I was the tenth of thirteen children, seven giris and six boys. I was baptized in St. Stephen's Church, receiving First Communion on April 12, 1931. Father Szabo was pastor. I was confirmed on April 22, 1936 by Bishop Moses E. Kiley.
I received my Elementary Education from the Daughters of Divine Charity at St. Stephen's School. My High School was at Junior High #4 and Trenton Central High. During Elementary School I learned to love the Daughters of Divine Charity, helping with Convent chores.
I was a typical naughty child participating in fun and games of children at that time. I was a member of the Guardian Angels and Sodality of Mary. I was a frequent Communicant in grade school. Walking to Trenton Central High I often made visits to the Blessed Sacrament at Immaculate Conception Church.
When faced with matriculation to College, I begged my parents to enter the Congregation of Daughters of Divine Charity. My mother with the generous aid of Sr. Genevieve lovingly prepared my dowry. I entered the Congregation on September 2, 1940. I was received on August 28, 1942. My first profession was on August 28, 1944. Final profession was August 15, 1950. My first assignment was sixth grade at Arrochar in 1943-44. Summer 1944 I was in the Novitiate. I taught fourth grade in 1944-45. In 1945-49 I taught grades six and seven in Arrochar. Summers I spent at Fordham University and St. Mary's in NY.
In 1949 I began teaching High School. Summer was probation time. From 19501960 I taught in High School and worked with boarders and spent summers studying at Fordham University and St. Mary's in NY. The summer of 1960 I spent in Old Bridge in CCD. In 1960-61 I taught grades seven and eight in Gary, Indiana. During the summer I was in Briarbank. 1960-61 saw me in South Bend, Indiana and summer in St. Mary's Residence in Detroit.
From 1962-1990 I was on the St. Joseph Hill Academy High School faculty and helping to conduct and moderate school activities such as Student Council, Swim Team, Basketball Team, Track, Math Team, Cheerleaders, evaluation of several High Schools for Middle States accreditation. I spent some summers using government sponsored National Scienc.e Foundation grants at Villanova University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Wyoming University and Yeshiva University. I also celebrated my Silver Jubilee in 1969 and toured Europe for several weeks as a gift of SJHA and a one-week cruise to Bermuda. Also with stipends from NSF I saw scenic and historical sites of the United States. One summer along with Sr. Albert in conjunction with interviewing Irish teachers for SJHA I was fortunate to visit Ireland for two weeks.
In 1990 I was appointed co-treasurer of St. Joseph Province with Sr. Albert. I retired in 1992 and spent a year in San Diego. In 1993-1999 I was assigned to Fontana, CA as a Eucharistic Minister to the sick, and two years as Superior in Fontana (1997-99). During this time I had angioplasty and colon cancer operation with a years chemotherapy at Lenox Hospital while residing in St. Mary's in NY. July 1999 saw me back at St. Joseph Hill Convent in Arrochar.
My acknowledgement of gratitude to my parents, brothers, and sisters, especially Lou, Pete, Vema and Elizabeth, Sisters Amabilis, Rita, Dolora, Jerome, Leonore, Albert, Charlotte, Mother ,Kostka and Mother Margaret, Marianne Bilyck, Kathleen Moore, Ginny Rober, Rita Boggs, Pat Karnatski, Marie Stewart, Virginia Stumer, Brother Gus, Father Henry, Sr. Bernadette Kenny, Dr. Collette Spacavieto, Dr. Chen, and Marian
Fitzsimmons. -
After my stay at Fontana, when the Convent closed in 1999, I was assigned to St.
Joseph Convent, Arrochar. Here I have spent time at rehab for poor walking procedure. Holy year, 2000, was a glorious, prayerful and grace-filled year. It is now July 2001 and I am at Carmel Richmond Nursing Home for therapy in my walk - discharged July 19, 2001.
When I shall depart this earthly life only God knows. Having kept myself for Jesus alone I run to meet my spouse. Forgiving and forgiven I look forward to join Mary, Joseph, all the saints and angels with my parents, relatives, friends and benefactor in glorifying and praising the Blessed Trinity for all eternity.
Amen. (signature on original)
Sr. M. Christopher Csorba, FDC
Feb. 11, 1903
With great affection we finish Sister Christopher’s story of her earthly pilgrimage. All over Staten Island and the United States, women are sharing “Sister Christopher stories”. She was a teacher that none of her students every forgot. Many are the girls who thought her discipline harsh who changed their minds as they realized in their higher studies of science and mathematics that the firm foundation they received from this gifted teacher helped them build with confidence and joy.
As her health deteriorated we had to assign her to Eger Health Care Center where she could receive health appropriate care. Almost to the end her wonderful mind and spirit was occupied with listening, viewing sports and other programs and in reading spiritual documents and books and writing with help to her many correspondents.
God love you, dear Sister Christopher. We will never forget you.